Badlands Motorsports Resort

Stemming from motorsports, the first steps of the development require establishing a world-class driving facility. That facility, and an awe-inspiring location, will create demand for surrounding resort and residential elements.

Stage 1 - North Track Construction

The first priority for construction is Alan Wilson’s 4.8km multi-configuration North Track starting with initial efforts focusing on the 3.0km North Loop. Commencing late in spring of 2018, the target will be to complete the North Loop by fall of the same year, with the 1.8km South Loop following in the spring of 2019.

Additional construction requirements for this early stage of the development include the main access road extending South from Alberta Highway 9 towards the site, and water supply from Drumheller Water Treatment Plant and Aqua 7 Water Services. To facilitate later developments, a framework basic utilities and underground services will be installed early in construction where feasible.

A temporary race operations structure and members facility, will be constructed on top of a small paved section of the parking/paddock area, and accessed via a two lane tunnel passing under the road course.

Capable of hosting two independent groups the completion of the North Track will provide an immediate opportunity for motorsports activities, and a sustainable enterprise that will facilitate the construction of the Valley Track and other motorsports courses.




Once the motorsports facility is fully operational, remaining elements of the development would be completed in response to market demand. In most cases, construction financing for these elements might be obtained with the benefit of pre-sales or defined leasing agreements with commercial vendors.

As a motorsports facility, the project captures what is North America’s largest unserved motorsports market. Combined with a stunning surrounding natural landscape that is critical to the fast growing Badlands region, that motorsports facility represents an opportunity for the full Badlands Motorsports Resort development, the largest current tourism development in Canada, and a potential for great growth granted by a wide range of commercial and recreational elements.